Is there a way that you could have a Query Format similar: {query} {az:a:z}|{az:a:z} {query}|{each:buy,discount,closeout} {query} So if your query was "fishing pole" I would get: fishing pole a fishing pole b fishing pole c ... a fishing pole b fishing pole c fishing pole ... buy fishing pole discount fishing pole closeout fishing pole
I tried what I thought would work. I created two parsers using: Parser 1: SE::Google::Suggest Override Option -> Query Format = {query} {az:a:z} Parser 2: SE::Google::Suggest Override Option -> Query Format = {az:a:z} {query} Result Format: parser1({preset})\nparser2({preset})\n These are the results: Code: fishing pole {az:a:z} - fishing pole {az:a:z}: {az:a:z} fishing pole - {az:a:z} fishing pole:
After some testing it looks like when you use an Override Preset for a parser and select Query Format. It doesn't look like it supports macros (i.e. {az:a:z}). Is this a bug or a suppose to work like that?
this is not a bug, you can use query macros only in all Query format field possibility for adding multiple queries formats are planned: