Configure using of CapMonster can be almost the same as other service anticaptcha: create a new preset for Util::Antigate, set the IP CapMonster ( or other), and other settings if it necessary in accordance with the instructions for CapMonster.
Yes, these and other, if it is necessary to configure CapMonster. Please post messages only in Russian or English. Describe in detail, what is the problem?
Hello. I need your help. I was able to connect the two programs, but I have a problem with their operation. The program works stably for some time. After about an hour and-new parser stops sending Catche to solve (too long catpcha reqest - info from Viev Log). If you stay a-new parser and turn it on again catcha are again well recognized. The problem with some of the response times? Please help
In the logs we can see that program CapMonster accept uploaded CAPTCHA, then stop answer to requests(error 598)