Hi, How can I include original query in the result for each line. For example for Amazon key,url gopro,https://www.amazon.com/GoPro-HERO7-...&ie=UTF8&qid=1550271282&sr=1-3&keywords=gopro gopro,https://www.amazon.com/GoPro-HERO5-...&ie=UTF8&qid=1550271282&sr=1-4&keywords=gopro $query,$p1.products.format('$link'\n) Thanks
For example I would like to parse the link to extract ID Here parse results makes you create a new array for the result. Using $p1.products.format('$query,$id,$link\n') Does not show id from products2 array, this is what I dont know how to do, $p1.products2.format('$id') is what I would like to include in results for each line too. Hope I explained ok Thanks
If the sizes of product1 and product2 are always the same, then you can loop through one of the arrays (using the template engine) and output data from both arrays using a variable from the loop. Example: If the sizes of arrays are different, then how should the data contained in them correspond?