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Launching the English version of the site

Discussion in 'News' started by Support, Sep 11, 2015.

  1. Support

    Support Administrator
    Staff Member A-Parser Enterprise

    Mar 16, 2012
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    Dear friends and users of A-Parser! We are glad to announce that today was launched the English version of our site!
    The audience of users is constantly growing, and therefore great work was done of translation the website:
    • translated all documentation, including examples and screenshots;
    • translated descriptions of all parsers;
    • site fully translated;
    • forum thread for English-speaking users updated, and now includes a section with news;
    • launched a channel on Twitter, where you can always find the latest news.
    Also, now on the forum in English regular will appear full news about changes in the A-Parser, articles with interesting examples and opportunities.
    And in the near future is expected to yet another event - release of version 1.2. Beta testing has begun.
    All comments on the translation, as well as bugs or discrepancies write in this thread or to the support.
    You are welcome!

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