Enhancements In parser SE::Bing added ability to select the language of search results In all fields of the configuration of each parser now is possible use the template engine, thereby allowing use of a query or a part thereof as the value of the config, and add arbitrary logic In JavaScript parsers added ability to set a single cookie (this.cookies.set) In parser SE::Yandex::WordStat decreased consumption of captcha Corrections due to changes in the output of services SE::Google - fixed work with antigate In parser SE::Google fixed parsing of ads and, in rare cases, skipping the first search results In parser SE::Yandex fixed collecting of snippets SE::AOL, SE::Bing::Images Fixes Fixed a memory leak when using the log in the task In parser SE::Ask not detected proxy ban Fixed options allow_outside_files Fixed work with utf8 in the source code of tools.js and JavaScript parsers In rare cases, if unsuccessful parsing the second or subsequent pages query could be considered successful Read In Russian