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SE::Bing - Bing Search Results Scraper


Scraper Overview

The Bing search results scraper. Thanks to the SE::Bing scraper, you can obtain huge databases of links ready for further use. You can use queries in the same way as you enter them in the Bing search bar, including search operators (contains, intitle, language, site, etc.). Learn more on the official page Advanced search keywords.

A-Parser functionality allows you to save Bing scraper parsing settings for future use (presets), set a parsing schedule, and much more. You can use automatic query multiplication, substitution of subqueries from files, iteration of alphanumeric combinations and lists to obtain the maximum possible number of results.

Saving results is possible in the form and structure that you need, thanks to the built-in powerful templating engine Template Toolkit which allows you to apply additional logic to the results and output data in various formats, including JSON, SQL, and CSV.

Use Cases for the Scraper

Collected Data

  • Number of results per query
  • Links, anchors, and snippets from the search results
  • List of related keywords (Related keywords)
  • Links, visible links, anchors, snippets, and ad position from the ad results
Collected data


  • Support for all Bing search operators (site:, ip:, etc.). Learn more about search operators on the official page Advanced search keywords.
  • Scrapes the maximum number of results Bing can return - 50 pages of 50 items each in the search results
  • Can automatically scrape more than 1000 results per query - adds additional characters (option Parse all results)
  • Ability to deeply scrape by related keywords (Parse related to level)
  • Ability to search for related keywords
  • Ability to scrape links to cached pages
  • Ability to scrape mobile search results

The following scrapers are based on the Bing scraper:

  • SE::Bing::PositionSE::Bing::Position - determining the positions of any websites in the search results for a list of queries

Use Cases

  • Collecting a database of links - for A-Poster, XRumer, AllSubmitter, etc.
  • Competition assessment for keywords
  • Searching for backlinks (mentions) of websites
  • Checking website indexing
  • Searching for vulnerable websites
  • Searching for websites on the same IP address
  • Any other scenarios involving scraping Bing in one way or another


As queries, you need to specify search phrases, just as if they were entered directly into the Bing search form, for example:

окна Москва

Query Substitutions

You can use built-in macros to diversify queries, for example, if we want to get a very large database of forums, we will specify several basic queries in different languages:


In the query format, we will specify a character permutation from a to zzzz, this method allows to maximally rotate the search output and get many new unique results:

$query {az:a:zzzz}

This macro will create 475254 additional queries for each original search query, which in total will give 4 x 475254 = 1901016 search queries, an impressive figure, but this is not a problem for A-Parser. With a speed of 2000 queries per minute, such a task will be processed in just 16 hours.

Using Operators

You can use search operators in the query format, so it will be automatically added to each query from your list:


Output Results Examples

A-Parser supports flexible formatting of results thanks to the built-in Template Toolkit, which allows it to output results in any form, as well as in structured formats, such as CSV or JSON

Exporting a List of Links

Similar to SE::Google.

Similar to SE::Google.

Similar to SE::Google.

Similar to SE::Google.

Keyword Competition

Similar to SE::Google.

Checking Link Indexing

Similar to SE::Google.

Saving in SQL Format

Similar to SE::Google.

Dumping Results to JSON

Similar to SE::Google.

Results Processing

A-Parser allows you to process results directly during scraping, in this section we have provided the most popular cases for the Bing scraper

Similar to SE::Google.

Similar to SE::Google.

Extracting Domains

Similar to SE::Google.

Removing Tags from Anchors and Snippets

Similar to SE::Google.

Similar to SE::Google.

Possible Settings

Parameter NameDefault ValueDescription
Pages count10Number of pages for scraping (from 1 to 50)
Links per page30Number of links in the output for each page (Auto / 10 / 15 / 30 / 50)
RegionBased on IPRegion selection. List of regions.
Interface languageAnyInterface language selection. List of languages.
Safe SearchModerateSafe search option selection (Strict / Moderate / Off)
DeviceDesktopDevice selection for search (Desktop / Mobile)
Use sessionsSaves good sessions, allowing for faster scraping with fewer errors.
Fix pagination bugFixes a bug in Bing search that results in empty 2nd and subsequent pages