Rank::Social::Signal - scraper of social signals: likes, comments, reposts

The functionality of A-Parser allows you to save the scraping settings of the Rank::Social::Signal scraper for further use (presets), set a scraping schedule, and much more.
Saving results is possible in the form and structure that you need, thanks to the built-in powerful template engine Template Toolkit which allows you to apply additional logic to the results and output data in various formats, including JSON, SQL, and CSV.
Collected data
- The number of likes on the social service pinterest.com
- The number of reposts on the social network vk.com
- Counting the number of likes on pinterest.com
- Counting the number of reposts on vk.com
As queries, you need to specify a link to the article, for example:
Output results examples
A-Parser supports flexible formatting of results thanks to the built-in template engine Template Toolkit, which allows it to output results in an arbitrary form, as well as in a structured one, for example, CSV or JSON
Default output
Result format:
$query\npinterest_like: $pinterest_like\nvk_share: $vk_share\n
Example of result:
pinterest_like: 0
vk_share: 0
Saving in SQL format
Result format:
[% "INSERT INTO social_signal VALUES('" _ query _ "', '" _ pinterest_like _ "', '" _ vk_share _ "')\n" %]
Example of result:
INSERT INTO archive VALUES('https://a-parser.com/wiki/versions-and-licences/', 0, 0)
Dump results to JSON
Общий формат результата:
[% IF notFirst;
notFirst = 1;
obj = {};
obj.query = query;
obj.pinterest_like = p1.pinterest_like;
obj.vk_share = p1.vk_share;
obj.json %]
Начальный текст:
Конечный текст:
Example of result:
To make the "Start text" and "End text" options available in the Task Editor, you need to activate "More options".