Telegram::GroupScraper - Scraper of data from public groups in Telegram

Scraper overview
This scraper collects data about messages from public groups in Telegram. The Telegram group/chat scraper performs the collection of members who have written something in the group, or there is a service notification about their joining the group. You can scrape all content from the groups you need, namely: text, images, links to videos, get information about the publication date, author (name, profile link, avatar).
Its logic of operation is different from other scrapers because it automatically adds requests to iterate through all messages in the group. Because of this, this scraper cannot be used with any others in the same task.
Saving results is possible in the form and structure you need, thanks to the built-in powerful templating engine Template Toolkit which allows you to apply additional logic to the results and output data in various formats, including JSON, SQL, and CSV.
Use cases for the scraper
🔗 User scraping
Scraping users from public groups in Telegram
🔗 Scraping all messages
Scraping all messages from public groups in Telegram
Collected data
- Link to the message
- Author's name, link to their profile, and avatar
- Message content, depending on the type it can be:
- text
- link to a photo
- link to a video
- Message publication date
Usage scenarios
- Collecting a list of group members
- Collecting the content of all messages in the group
As queries, you need to specify a link to a public group, for example:
Output options for results
A-Parser supports flexible formatting of results thanks to the built-in templating engine Template Toolkit, which allows it to output results in any form, as well as in structured formats, such as CSV or JSON
Default output
Result format:
$user_name($user_link): $message_text\n
Example of result:
( Чтобы обходить ограничение на 10 запросов с одного IP нужно дополнительно парсить key= с основной страницы
( Сейчас посмотрю
( <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a>
Output in CSV table
Result format:
[% tools.CSVline(query, user_link, message_date, message_text) %]
Example of result:,,2016-11-05T05:01:09+00:00,"Настройки - Сохранять размер окна",,2016-11-05T05:14:47+00:00,"я запускаю 20 заданий по 300 потоков, с динамическим лимитов в 1200, они выполняются гораздо быстрее за счет того работают все одновременно и нет затыков когда осталось мало запросов(потоков)",,2016-11-05T05:27:06+00:00,"ну прокси в т.ч."
Results processing
A-Parser allows you to process results directly during scraping, in this section we have provided the most popular use cases for the Telegram scraper
Filtering results by the occurrence of words in the message

You need to add a filter and select from the dropdown list $message_text - Message text
. Choose the type Regex matches
In the field for regex, write the regex with the necessary words:
- word boundary
- OR
- regex flag
Download example
How to import an example into A-Parser
Possible settings
Parameter | Default Value | Description |
Max empty posts | 1000 | This parameter specifies how many consecutive empty (non-existent) messages should be there for the scraper to stop parsing the current request |
Start message number | 1 | This parameter specifies from which number to collect messages in the Telegram chat |