SE::Google::SitemapPing - scraper for submitting sitemaps to Google
Scraper Overview

Automatically sends your list of sitemaps to the link[your sitemap link].
A-Parser functionality allows you to save the scraper settings of SE::Google::SitemapPing for future use (presets), set a scraping schedule, and much more.
Saving results is possible in the form and structure you need, thanks to the built-in powerful templating engine Template Toolkit which allows you to apply additional logic to the results and output data in various formats, including JSON, SQL, and CSV.
Collected Data
- Sitemap submission success
- Web request response code
- The text that was received in response from Google with HTML tags
- Sending a list of sitemaps exclusively to Google
As queries, you need to specify the sitemap link, for example:
Output Results Examples
A-Parser supports flexible result formatting thanks to the built-in templating engine Template Toolkit, which allows it to output results in any form, as well as in structured formats, such as CSV or JSON
Output of sitemap submission success + response code and text
Result format:
$info.success, $code, $text\n
Example of result:
1, 200, <h2>Sitemap Notification Received</h2>
Your Sitemap has been successfully added to our list of Sitemaps to crawl. If this is the first time you are notifying Google about this Sitemap, please add it via <a href=""></a> so you can track its status. Please note that we do not add all submitted URLs to our index, and we cannot make any predictions or guarantees about when or if they will appear.