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Overview and Application

A list by topic of all existing built-in scrapers in A-Parser with a description and links to their pages.

Search Engine Scrapers

Scraper NameDescription
SE::GoogleSE::GoogleScraping all data from Google search results: links, anchors, snippets, Related keywords, scraping ad blocks. Multithreading, bypassing ReCaptcha
SE::YandexSE::YandexScraping all data from Yandex search results: links, anchors, snippets, Related keywords, scraping ad blocks. Maximum scraping depth
SE::AOLSE::AOLScraping all data from AOL search results: links, anchors, snippets
SE::BingSE::BingScraping all data from Bing search results: links, anchors, snippets, Related keywords, Maximum scraping depth
SE::BaiduSE::BaiduScraping all data from Baidu search results: links, anchors, snippets, Related keywords
SE::BaiduSE::BaiduScraping all data from Baidu search results: links, anchors, snippets, Related keywords
SE::DogpileSE::DogpileScraping all data from Dogpile search results: links, anchors, snippets, Related keywords
SE::DuckDuckGoSE::DuckDuckGoScraping all data from DuckDuckGo search results: links, anchors, snippets
SE::MailRuSE::MailRuScraping all data from MailRu search results: links, anchors, snippets
SE::SeznamSE::SeznamScraper for the Czech search engine links, anchors, snippets, Related keywords
SE::YahooSE::YahooScraping all data from Yahoo search results: links, anchors, snippets, Related keywords, Maximum scraping depth
SE::YoutubeSE::YoutubeScraping data from Youtube search results: links, title, description, username, link to preview image, view count, video length
SE::AskSE::AskScraper for American search results of Google via links, anchors, snippets, Related keywords
SE::RamblerSE::RamblerScraping all data from Rambler search results: links, anchors, snippets
SE::StartpageSE::StartpageScraping all data from Startpage search results: links, anchors, snippets


Search Engine Position Scrapers

Scraper NameDescription
SE::Google::PositionSE::Google::PositionChecking site positions by keywords in Google: links, list of all positions
SE::Yandex::PositionSE::Yandex::PositionChecking site positions by keywords in Yandex: links, list of all positions
SE::Bing::PositionSE::Bing::PositionChecking site positions by keywords in Bing: links, list of all positions
SE::MailRu::PositionSE::MailRu::PositionChecking site positions by keywords in MailRu: links, list of all positions


Search Engine Suggestion Scrapers

Scraper NameDescription
SE::Google::SuggestSE::Google::SuggestGoogle suggestions scraper: number of results for a query, query suggestions, query type
SE::Yandex::SuggestSE::Yandex::SuggestYandex suggestions scraper: number of results for a query, query suggestions
SE::Bing::SuggestSE::Bing::SuggestBing suggestions scraper: number of results for a query, query suggestions
SE::Aol::SuggestSE::Aol::SuggestAol suggestions scraper: number of results for a query, query suggestions
SE::Yahoo::SuggestSE::Yahoo::SuggestYahoo suggestions scraper: number of results for a query, query suggestions
SE::Youtube::SuggestSE::Youtube::SuggestYoutube suggestions scraper: query suggestions


Keyword Scrapers

Scraper NameDescription
SE::Google::TrendsSE::Google::TrendsGoogle trending keywords scraper
SE::Yandex::WordstatSE::Yandex::WordstatYandex keyword and statistics scraper from
SE::Yandex::Wordstat::ByDateSE::Yandex::Wordstat::ByDateYandex WordStat statistics scraper by months or weeks, keyword statistics
SE::Yandex::Direct::FrequencySE::Yandex::Direct::FrequencyNumber of views
Rank::Bukvarix::DomainRank::Bukvarix::DomainKeyword collection by domain from Bukvarix: keyword, frequency, position
Rank::Bukvarix::KeywordRank::Bukvarix::KeywordKeyword collection by keyword from Bukvarix: keyword, frequency, position
Rank::Ahrefs::KeywordDifficultyRank::Ahrefs::KeywordDifficultyKeyword difficulty, keywords, number of keywords
Rank::Ahrefs::KeywordGeneratorRank::Ahrefs::KeywordGeneratorAhrefs keyword collection: keyword ideas, questions with keywords
SE::Google::KeywordPlannerSE::Google::KeywordPlannerCollection of suggestions, keywords, competition, min. and max. bids
SE::Yandex::DirectSE::Yandex::DirectNumber of ads for a specific query, title, text and domain, links, anchors, tags


Account Registration Scrapers

Scraper NameDescription
SE::Yandex::RegisterSE::Yandex::RegisterYandex account registration


Site and Domain Parameter Scrapers

Scraper NameDescription
SE::Google::TrustCheckSE::Google::TrustCheckSite trust check
SE::Google::CompromisedSE::Google::CompromisedChecking for the presence of the notice "This site may be hacked"
SE::Google::SafeBrowsingSE::Google::SafeBrowsingChecking the domain in Google's blacklist
SE::Yandex::SafeBrowsingSE::Yandex::SafeBrowsingChecking the domain in Yandex's blacklist
SE::Yandex::SQISE::Yandex::SQIChecking the Site Quality Index in Yandex
Net::WhoisNet::WhoisDetermines whether a domain is registered or not, the domain creation date, as well as the registration expiration date
Net::DnsNet::DnsThe scraper resolves domains into IP addresses
Rank::CmsRank::CmsIdentifies all popular forums, blogs, CMS, guestbooks, wikis, and many other types of engines
Rank::ArchiveRank::ArchiveScraper of the date of the first and last caching of the site in the web archive
Rank::LinkpadRank::LinkpadScraper of backlinks and statistics from the service
Rank::MajesticSEORank::MajesticSEOScraper of the number of backlinks from the service
Rank::MustatRank::MustatAssessment of traffic on the site, as well as the cost and rating of the domain
Rank::Social::SignalRank::Social::SignalSocial signals scraper
Rank::CurlieRank::CurlieChecking for the presence of the site in the Curlie directory (analog of DMOZ)
Rank::AhrefsRank::AhrefsScraper of
Rank::KeysSoRank::KeysSoScraper of
Rank::MOZRank::MOZScraper of MOZ
SecurityTrails::IpSecurityTrails::IpCollects domains by IP
SecurityTrails::DomainSecurityTrails::DomainScraper of SecurityTrails


Scrapers of various services

Scraper NameDescription
SE::Yandex::RegisterSE::Yandex::RegisterAllows to register accounts in Yandex
SE::Bing::TranslatorSE::Bing::TranslatorTranslator through the service
SE::Google::TranslateSE::Google::TranslateGoogle Translator
SE::Yandex::TranslateSE::Yandex::TranslateYandex Translator
SE::Bing::ImagesSE::Bing::ImagesBing image scraper
SE::Google::ImagesSE::Google::ImagesGoogle image scraper by keywords
SE::Google::ByImageSE::Google::ByImageSearch for images by link
SE::Yandex::ImagesSE::Yandex::ImagesYandex image scraper by keywords
SE::Yandex::ByImageSE::Yandex::ByImageYandex image scraper by link
SE::DuckDuckGo::ImagesSE::DuckDuckGo::ImagesDuckDuckGo image scraper
SE::Dogpile::ImagesSE::Dogpile::ImagesDogpile image scraper
Util::AntiGateUtil::AntiGateCaptcha recognition through the AntiGate service
Util::YandexRecognizeUtil::YandexRecognizeCaptcha recognition by Yandex
Util::ReCaptcha2Util::ReCaptcha2Recognition of reCAPTCHA from resources,, Capmonster, С, Xevil, 2captcha, R.I.P.captcha
SEO::PingSEO::PingBulk sending of Ping requests to services supporting Weblog API(Google Blog Search, Feed Burner, Ping-o-Matic, etc.)
Check::RosKomNadzorCheck::RosKomNadzorChecking the site in the Roskomnadzor database
SE::Yandex::SpellerSE::Yandex::SpellerChecking pages for text errors through Yandex.Speller
GooglePlay::AppsGooglePlay::AppsGoogle Play app scraper
Social::Instagram::PostSocial::Instagram::PostInstagram post data scraper
Social::Instagram::ProfileSocial::Instagram::ProfileInstagram profile data scraper
Social::Instagram::TagSocial::Instagram::TagInstagram post scraper by tags
Social::Instagram::GeoSocial::Instagram::GeoInstagram post scraper in a specified location
Telegram::GroupScraperTelegram::GroupScraperPublic group data scraper in Telegram
API::Server::RedisAPI::Server::RedisWorking with A-Parser through Redis
SE::Google::CacheSE::Google::CacheChecking the presence of pages in Google cache
Social::Instagram::GeoSocial::Instagram::GeoInstagram post scraper in a specified location
DeepL::TranslatorDeepL::TranslatorText translator through the service
CoinMarketCap::LastPriceCoinMarketCap::LastPriceCoinMarketCap store scraper: token name, current price in USD


Scrapers for shops

Scraper nameDescription
Shop::AmazonShop::AmazonScraper of Amazon search results
Shop::Yandex::MarketShop::Yandex::MarketScraper of Yandex.Market
Shop::AliExpressShop::AliExpressScraper of Shop::AliExpress search results
Shop::eBayShop::eBayScraper of eBay search results
Shop::Wildberries::ProductsListShop::Wildberries::ProductsListScraper of Wildberries product list
Shop::Wildberries::ProductInfoShop::Wildberries::ProductInfoScraper of Wildberries product page
Shop::Wildberries::SuggestShop::Wildberries::SuggestScraper of Wildberries search suggestions
Shop::Yandex::MarketShop::Yandex::MarketScraper of products from YANDEX.MARKET


Scrapers for maps

Scraper nameDescription
Maps::GoogleMaps::GoogleScraper of Google Maps: organization name, address and coordinates, rating, number of reviews and pricing policy, website, phone, photos
Maps::YandexMaps::YandexScraper of Yandex Maps: organization name, address and coordinates, rating, number of reviews and pricing policy, website, phone, photos, social networks


Scrapers for content

Scraper NameDescription
Check::BackLinkCheck::BackLinkChecks for the presence of your link(s) in the link database
HTML::LinkExtractorHTML::LinkExtractorScraper for external and internal links from the specified site, can navigate through internal links up to a selected level
HTML::ArticleExtractorHTML::ArticleExtractorArticle scraper
HTML::TextExtractorHTML::TextExtractorText block scraper
HTML::TextExtractor::LangDetectHTML::TextExtractor::LangDetectPage language detection without using external services
HTML::EmailExtractorHTML::EmailExtractorScraping e-mail addresses from website pages
Net::HTTPNet::HTTPDownloads the specified page, supports multi-page scraping
