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Glossary of Terms


A scraper is a script that collects data from specified web resources based on specified queries, processes them, and outputs the result in the default or specified format.

Built-in Scrapers

Built-in scrapers are pre-installed scrapers that are available initially and whose functionality is maintained on a regular basis.

Custom JS Scrapers

Custom JS scrapers are open-source scrapers written in JavaScript and available in the JS Scrapers Editor, which can be exported and imported along with the task. Examples of such scrapers can be found in the Catalog of Scrapers and Presets.


A preset is both a saved task that is created in the Task Editor by selecting a combination of scrapers, settings, and options for performing a task, and individual scraper settings (settings preset).

Scraper Settings

Scraper settings are options that can be edited or changed (overridden) for a different scraper's algorithm to obtain a non-standard result.

Saved Task

A saved task is a preset that has been saved and can be reused.

Config Preset

A config preset is a set of thread settings that can be saved under a name and reused with different presets.


Threads are a number of contexts launched simultaneously for parsing, in which the scraper performs queries in parallel, cycles through proxies according to a specific strategy set in the Thread Config, and logs the parsing process for each query.

Proxy Checker

A proxy checker is a controller responsible for uploading and checking proxies using a set of proxy checker settings.


A proxy is a string/array of strings of a specific format (or a link to a string/array of strings) that allows hiding the real IP address by sending requests in parsing and transferring data packets from the server to the client using an intermediate proxy server.

Result Template

A result template is a template that defines the format and collected data of the result, set directly or using the built-in template engine Template Toolkit.