DeepL::Write - verification and editing of texts through the service

Overview of the scraper
Fast, up to 1600 requests per minute, multi-threaded text editor through the Deepl service. This scraper allows you to edit any volumes of texts in automatic mode. The scraper automatically determines the original language of the content. Deepl write is capable of processing colossal volumes of text while not consuming many resources.

Collected data
- Edited text
- Language of the original text
- Choice of editing language
- Automatic language detection
Use cases
- Text editing
- Text uniqueness enhancement
As queries, you need to specify any text for editing, for example:
Animals are foscinating creatures. They come in all shapes and sizes, from tiny mouse to ginormous elephent. The lion is known as the king of the jungel, with its majestic mane and ferociuos roar. It hunts its pray with stratagy and precission.
Output results examples
A-Parser supports flexible formatting of results thanks to the built-in template engine Template Toolkit, which allows it to output results in any form, as well as in structured form, for example CSV or JSON
Default output
Result format:
Example of the result:
Animals are fascinating creatures. They come in all shapes and sizes, from the tiny mouse to the gigantic elephant. The lion is known as the king of the jungle, with his majestic mane and ferocious roar. Er jagt seine Beute mit Strategie und Präzision.
Output of detected language and edited text in a CSV table
Result format:
[% tools.CSVline(detected, corrected) %]
Example of the result:
"Animals are fascinating creatures. They come in all shapes and sizes, from the tiny mouse to the gigantic elephant. The lion is known as the king of the jungle, with his majestic mane and ferocious roar. Er jagt seine Beute mit Strategie und Präzision."
Saving in SQL format
Result format:
[% "INSERT INTO text VALUES('" _ query _ "', '"; detected _ "', '"; corrected _ "')\n"; %]
Example of the result:
INSERT INTO text VALUES('Animals are fascinating creatures. They come in all shapes and sizes, from the tiny mouse to the gigantic elephant. The lion is known as the king of the jungle, with its majestic mane and ferocious roar. It hunts its prey with strategy and precision.', 'EN', 'Animals are fascinating creatures. They come in all shapes and sizes, from the tiny mouse to the gigantic elephant. The lion is known as the king of the jungle, with its majestic mane and ferocious roar. It hunts its prey with strategy and precision.')
Dump results to JSON
Общий формат результата:
[% IF notFirst;
notFirst = 1;
obj = {};
obj.query = query;
obj.detected = p1.detected;
obj.corrected = p1.corrected;
obj.json %]
Начальный текст:
Конечный текст:
Example of the result:
[{"corrected":"Animals are fascinating creatures. They come in all shapes and sizes, from the tiny mouse to the gigantic elephant. The lion is known as the king of the jungle, with its majestic mane and ferocious roar. It hunts its prey with strategy and precision.","query":"Animals are fascinating creatures. They come in all shapes and sizes, from the tiny mouse to the gigantic elephant. The lion is known as the king of the jungle, with its majestic mane and ferocious roar. It hunts its prey with strategy and precision.","detected":"EN"}]
To make the "Initial text" and "Final text" options available in the Task Editor, you need to activate "More options".
Possible settings
Parameter | Default value | Description |
Language | English (British) | Editing language (in some cases translates the text into the specified language) |