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Util::AntiGate - captcha recognition through AntiGate service

Parser Overview


This scraper is usually used as a connectable component in other scrapers, where it may be necessary to solve captchas in the form of images, for example: SE::YandexSE::Yandex, Check::RosKomNadzorCheck::RosKomNadzor, as well as custom JavaScript scrapers.

The principle of operation of this scraper is to send the captcha image to the solving service and receive a text value in response, depicted on the captcha. The correctness of solving depends only on the solving service and sometimes on the captcha settings.

Detailed process of connecting and configuring this scraper is described in the article AntiCaptcha Settings

Scraper Use Cases


  • Supports working with all AntiGate-compatible services: AntiCaptcha, RuCaptcha, 2captcha, XEvil, CapMonster,, CapSolver,, etc.
  • Ability to flexibly adjust the response waiting time, captcha parameters, and notify the solving service of incorrectly solved captcha

Usage Options

  • Recognizing captchas in built-in scrapers, where it is optionally or mandatory to solve captchas to obtain results
  • Captcha recognition in own JS scrapers
  • Recognizing small text data from images (e.g. phones)


The requests should specify the link to the captcha, for example:

Output Results Examples

  • $answer - captcha response
  • $error - if an error occurred, its description

Output of Recognized Text

Result format:


Result example:


Possible Settings

ParameterDefault ValueDescription
ProviderAntiCaptchaSelection of the solving service, automatically inserts the correct service address (url)
Provider urlDomain of the solving service, allows to override the domain of the service, can be empty
Client keyAccess key to the service
HTTP errors retries5Number of attempts to recognize the captcha in case of network failures
HTTP timeout60Server response timeout in seconds
Wait between get status5Delay between polls of the anti-gate service about the captcha status
Max wait time300Maximum waiting time for the recognized captcha
NO_SLOT_AVAILABLE retries5Number of attempts to upload the captcha to the anti-captcha service if the service issues an overload message
NO_SLOT_AVAILABLE interval2Waiting interval between attempts in seconds
Param "phrase"00 = default value (one word). 1 = captcha has two words
Param "regsense"00 = default value (case is not important). 1 = case is important
Param "numeric"00 = default value. 1 = captcha consists only of digits. 2 = Captcha has no digits
Param "calc"00 = default value. 1 = mathematical operation from the digits on the captcha
Param "min_len"00 = default value. >0 = minimum length of text on the captcha that the worker must enter
Param "max_len"00 = default value (unlimited). >0 = maximum length of text on the captcha that the worker must enter
Param "is_russian"00 = default value. 1 = show the captcha to a worker with knowledge of the Russian language
Fake answerFalse answer, does not use the service and immediately returns a random string as an answer, used for scraper testing
Report bad captchasIf the option is disabled, time spent on checking the correctness of the captcha request will be saved. Relevant for CapMonster and XEvil
Log captcha imagesControl over the output of captcha images to the log