Util::YandexRecognize - Captcha recognition
Scraper Overview
Used as a connectable component in other scrapers, where it may be necessary to solve simple image captchas.
The feature of this scraper is that it uses the capabilities of the Yandex translator for solving. The accuracy of recognition is not high, but this is compensated by the free of charge and relatively higher speed.
Use Cases
- Captcha recognition in scrapers, where it is optionally or necessarily necessary to solve captchas to obtain results
- Captcha recognition in own JS scrapers
- Recognition of small text data from images (for example, phones)
As queries, it is necessary to specify the link to the captcha, for example:
Output Results Examples
- captcha answer$error
- if an error occurred, its description
Output of the recognized text
Result format:
Result example:
ifignt eyelids