Rank::MajesticSEO - Scraper of the number of backlinks from the service majesticseo.com
Overview of the scraper
The Majestic scraper is one of the most in-demand scrapers for SEO specialists as it allows obtaining such important indicators as Trust Flow and Citation Flow. With the help of the automated multithreaded Majestic scraper, you can scrape such data: number of referring domains, backlinks, indexed pages.
The functionality of A-Parser allows you to save scraping settings for future use (presets), set a scraping schedule, and much more.
Thanks to the multithreaded work of A-Parser, the speed of processing requests can reach 100 requests per minute using only 50 threads.

Saving results is possible in the form and structure that you need, thanks to the built-in powerful templating engine Template Toolkit which allows you to apply additional logic to the results and output data in various formats, including JSON, SQL, and CSV.
Collected data
Data is collected from the service www.majesticseo.com
- Number of referring domains
- Number of backlinks
- Number of indexed pages
- Trust Flow and Citation Flow indicators
Use cases
- Obtaining aggregate information about a domain
- Estimating the number of backlinks
- Estimating traffic on a domain
As queries, you need to specify a list of domains, for example:
Output results examples
A-Parser supports flexible formatting of results thanks to the built-in templating engine Template Toolkit, which allows it to output results in any form, as well as in structured formats, such as CSV or JSON
Export of the results list
Result format:
$query - domains: $domains, backlinks: $backlinks, trust: $trustflow, citation: $citationflow, indexed: $indexed\n
As a result, the domain, number of backlinks, number of referring IP addresses, trust, citation, indexed pages are displayed.
Example of result:
facebook.com - domains: 28384898, backlinks: 83357892873, trust: 99, citation: 99, indexed: 6743835203
a-parser.com - domains: 380, backlinks: 90219, trust: 12, citation: 38, indexed: 16121
yandex.ru - domains: 592182, backlinks: 1751277762, trust: 88, citation: 82, indexed: 92468056
google.com - domains: 21134537, backlinks: 32206959211, trust: 100, citation: 100, indexed: 3278520318
vk.com - domains: 1145676, backlinks: 3235015237, trust: 90, citation: 85, indexed: 372205938
Output in a CSV table
The built-in utility $tools.CSVLine
allows you to create correct tabular documents, ready for import into Excel or Google Sheets.
Result format:
[% tools.CSVline(query.orig,domains,trustflow,citationflow,indexed) %]
File name:
Initial text:
Домен,Ссылающиеся домены,Траст,Цитирование,Индексация
Example of result:
Домен,Ссылающиеся домены,Траст,Цитирование,Индексация
The Template Toolkit templating engine is used in the Results format to output results.
In the file name of the results, you just need to change the file extension to csv.
To make the "Initial text" option available in the Task Editor, you need to activate "More options". In "Initial text" we write the names of the columns separated by a comma and make the second line empty.
Saving in SQL format
Result format:
INSERT INTO serp VALUES('$query.orig', '$domains', '$backlinks', '$trustflow', '$citationflow', '$indexed')\n
Example of result:
INSERT INTO serp VALUES('google.com', '21134537', '32206959211', '100', '100', '3278520318')
INSERT INTO serp VALUES('vk.com', '1145676', '3235015237', '90', '85', '372205938')
INSERT INTO serp VALUES('yandex.ru', '592182', '1751277762', '88', '82', '92468056')
INSERT INTO serp VALUES('a-parser.com', '380', '90219', '12', '38', '16121')
INSERT INTO serp VALUES('facebook.com', '28384898', '83357892873', '99', '99', '6743835203')
Dumping results to JSON
Общий формат результата:
[% IF notFirst;
notFirst = 1;
obj = {};
obj.query = p1.query.orig;
obj.indexed = p1.indexed;
obj.domains = p1.domains;
obj.citationflow = p1.citationflow;
obj.trustflow = p1.trustflow;
obj.backlinks = p1.backlinks;
obj.json %]
Начальный текст:
Конечный текст:
Example of result:
To make the "Initial text" and "Final text" options available in the Task Editor, you need to activate "More options".
Results processing
A-Parser allows you to process results directly during scraping, in this section we have provided the most popular cases for the scraper Rank::MajesticSEO
Saving domains with the desired trust
Add a filter and select the verification value variable $trustflow - Trust flow
from the dropdown list. Choose a type, for example: >
. Then you need to write down the number we need in Number 10
. With such a filter, you will be able to remove all results with a Trust flow value less than 10

Download example
How to import an example into A-Scraper
See also: Results filters
Possible settings
Parameter Name | Default Value | Description |
Check_type | Root domain | Allows you to select the type of check: Root Domain / Subdomain / URL |
Use Chrome (Slow) | ☑ | Allows the use of the Chromium browser for scraping |
User-agent for requests without Chrome | [% tools.ua.random() %] | Override user-agent for requests without Chrome. It is recommended to use user-agents of modern desktop browsers. |