GooglePlay::Apps - Google Play Apps scraper

You can use automatic query multiplication, substitution of subqueries from files, iteration over alphanumeric combinations and lists to get the maximum possible number of results. Using result filtering, you can immediately clean up the result by removing all unnecessary garbage (using minus words).
A-Parser functionality allows you to save the scraper settings of GooglePlay::Apps for future use (presets), set a scraping schedule, and much more.
Saving results is possible in the form and structure that you need, thanks to the built-in powerful templating engine Template Toolkit which allows you to apply additional logic to the results and output data in various formats, including JSON, SQL, and CSV.
Use Cases for the Scraper
🔗 Scraping apps with discounts
Searching in Google Play for apps with discounts and saving the collected data into a database
🔗 Google Play Suggestions
Google Play store suggestions scraper
Collected Data
Data is collected from the service

- Name
- Rating
- Description
- Link to the app
- Price
- Number of downloads
- App genre
- Selection of the country from which the search is performed
- Selection of the language of the result page
- Search by price (Free or Paid)
- Search by rating (All or above 4+)
Use Cases
- Scraping data about applications from Google Play
As queries, you need to specify phrases by which the search will be conducted in GooglePlay, for example:
Query Substitutions
You can use built-in macros for automatic substitution of subqueries from files, for example, we want to add some list of other words to each query, let's specify several main queries:
tower defense
In the query format, we will specify a macro for substituting additional words from the file keywords.txt, this method allows to increase the variability of queries many times over:
{subs:keywords} $query
This macro will create as many additional queries as there are in the file for each original search query, which in total will give [number of original queries] x [number of queries in the Keywords file] = [total number of queries]
as a result of the macro's work.
For example, if the file keywords.txt contains:
As a result, the substitution macro will turn 3 main queries into 6:
free fantasy
online fantasy
free tower defense
online tower defense
free rpg
online rpg
Output Results Examples
A-Parser supports flexible formatting of results thanks to the built-in templating engine Template Toolkit, which allows it to output results in an arbitrary form, as well as in structured ones, such as CSV or JSON
Default Output
Result format:
$serp.format('$name ($rating, $author): $desc ($link, $price)\n')
Example of the result:
Heart Rate Monitor (4.5, Meet Your Need Production): Most Precise Heart Rate Monitor Ever + Unlimited Measurements and Records. (, free)
Instant Heart Rate : Heart Rate & Pulse Monitor (4.3, Azumio Inc.): Best way to track heart rate, health, fitness, workout, cardio, stress, training (, free)
Pulse - Heart Rate Monitor (4.3, Ahmerov Vadim): Get your heart rate in seconds! The Best way to measure your heart rate. (, free)
Heart Rate Monitor (4.5, REPS): The simplest yet the most accurate app to monitor your heart rate! (, free)
Cardiograph - Heart Rate Meter (3.8, MacroPinch): How fast is your heart beating? Measure your pulse. (, free)
iCare Health Monitor (BP & HR) (4.6, iCare Fit Studio): Measure blood pressure,heart rate,vision,hearing,SpO2,breath rate by the phone (, free)
Output to CSV Table
Result format:
[% FOREACH i IN serp;
tools.CSVline(, i.rating,, i.price);
END %]
File name:
Initial text:
In the Result format, Template Toolkit is used to output elements of the $serp
array in a FOREACH
In the file name of the results, you just need to change the file extension to csv.
To make the "Initial text" option available in the Task Editor, you need to activate "More options". In the "Initial text", we write the names of the columns separated by commas and make the second line empty.
Saving in SQL Format
Result format:
[% FOREACH serp;
"INSERT INTO serp VALUES('" _ name _ "', '" _ rating _ "', '" _ author _ "')\n";
END %]
Result example:
INSERT INTO serp VALUES('Internet Speed Test-FiberTest for Android Smart TV', '3.9', 'RedMango Analytics PVT LTD')
INSERT INTO serp VALUES('Phone Check and Test', '4.6', 'inPocket Software')
INSERT INTO serp VALUES('Speedtest by Ookla', '4.3', 'Ookla')
INSERT INTO serp VALUES('Expert Speed Test WiFi Analyzer - analiti', '4.6', 'analiti Experts Group')
INSERT INTO serp VALUES('Brain Test: Tricky Puzzles', '4.6', 'Unico Studio')
INSERT INTO serp VALUES('Love Test Calculator - Compatibility Tester Prank', '3.8', 'DH3 Games')
INSERT INTO serp VALUES('FAST Speed Test', '4.3', 'Netflix, Inc.')
INSERT INTO serp VALUES('DMV WRITTEN TEST: Free DMV Tests for All 50 States', '4.7', 'DMV Written Test')
INSERT INTO serp VALUES('Brain Test 2: Tricky Stories', '4.6', 'Unico Studio')
INSERT INTO serp VALUES('Internet speed test Meter- SpeedTest Master', '4.9', 'Test speed internet & Net meter')
INSERT INTO serp VALUES('Test Your Android - Hardware Testing & Utilities', '4.2', 'Hibernate')
INSERT INTO serp VALUES('Stupid Test - How Smart Are You?', '3.6', 'DH3 Games')
INSERT INTO serp VALUES('love test', '4.1', 'MobilPlug')
INSERT INTO serp VALUES('Personality Trait Test', '4.2', 'Aaditya Prakash')
INSERT INTO serp VALUES('Aptitude test. Personality test games', '4.2', 'iq test')
INSERT INTO serp VALUES('What animal are you? Test', '3.5', 'Hemisoft')
INSERT INTO serp VALUES('Lie Detector Face Test Simulator Prank', '3.9', 'Droidheads')
INSERT INTO serp VALUES('BFF Friendship Test', '4.1', 'DH3 Games')
INSERT INTO serp VALUES('IQ and Aptitude Test Practice', '4.0', 'LangiS')
INSERT INTO serp VALUES('FCC Speed Test', '3.3', 'FCCAPPs')
INSERT INTO serp VALUES('40+ Psychological Tests', '4.4', 'MuraDev')
INSERT INTO serp VALUES('G1 Test Genie: Drivers Test Practice Ontario 2021', '4.5', 'Elegant E-Learning')
INSERT INTO serp VALUES('Brain test - psychological and iq test', '4.4', 'iq test')
Dumping Results to JSON
Общий формат результата:
[% IF notFirst;
notFirst = 1;
obj = {};
obj.serp = [];
FOREACH item IN p1.serp;
name =
author =
rating = item.rating
price = item.price
obj.json %]
Начальный текст:
Конечный текст:
Result example:
[{"serp": [{"name":"Internet Speed Test-FiberTest for Android Smart TV","price":"free","author":"RedMango Analytics PVT LTD","rating":"3.9"},{"name":"Phone Check and Test","price":"free","author":"inPocket Software","rating":"4.6"},{"name":"Speedtest by Ookla","price":"free","author":"Ookla","rating":"4.3"},{"name":"Expert Speed Test WiFi Analyzer - analiti","price":"free","author":"analiti Experts Group","rating":"4.6"},{"name":"Brain Test: Tricky Puzzles","price":"free","author":"Unico Studio","rating":"4.6"},{"name":"Love Test Calculator - Compatibility Tester Prank","price":"free","author":"DH3 Games","rating":"3.8"},{"name":"FAST Speed Test","price":"free","author":"Netflix, Inc.","rating":"4.3"},{"name":"DMV WRITTEN TEST: Free DMV Tests for All 50 States","price":"free","author":"DMV Written Test","rating":"4.7"},{"name":"Internet speed test Meter- SpeedTest Master","price":"free","author":"Test speed internet & Net meter","rating":"4.9"},{"name":"Brain Test 2: Tricky Stories","price":"free","author":"Unico Studio","rating":"4.6"},{"name":"Stupid Test - How Smart Are You?","price":"free","author":"DH3 Games","rating":"3.6"}]}]
To make the "Initial text" and "Final text" options available in the Task Editor, you need to activate "More options".
Possible Settings
Parameter | Default Value | Description |
Country | United States | Selection of the country from which the search is conducted. |
Language | English | Selection of the language of the search results page. |
Prices | All | Filtering results by price (Free or Paid). |
Ratings | All | Filtering results by rating. |