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SE::Yandex::Direct::Frequency - Frequency Check

Scraper Overview

Search query scraper from Yandex Direct. The keyword scraper for Yandex Direct can automatically collect the number of impressions per query for a specified period, scraping Yandex Direct search suggestions.

You can use automatic query multiplication, substitution of subqueries from files, iteration of alphanumeric combinations and lists to get the maximum possible number of results. Using result filtering you can immediately clean up the result by removing all unnecessary junk (using negative keywords).

A-Parser functionality allows you to save scraper settings SE::Yandex::Direct::Frequency for future use (presets), set a scraping schedule, and much more.

Saving results is possible in the form and structure that you need, thanks to the built-in powerful templating engine Template Toolkit which allows you to apply additional logic to the results and output data in various formats, including JSON, SQL, and CSV.

Collected Data

  • Number of impressions per query for a specified period
  • Scraping of additional keywords (suggestions)

what data does the scraper SE::Yandex::Direct::Frequency collect


  • Supports selection of search region (with subgroups)
  • Supports selection of period (last month, specific month, quarter, year) (only when scraping with accounts)

Use Cases

  • Estimating the amount of traffic by keyword (frequency)


When scraping with accounts, scraping occurs in "batches" of 10 keywords per request. As queries, you need to specify keywords, just as if you were entering them directly into the Yandex Direct search form, for example:


Query Substitutions

You can use built-in macros for automatic substitution of subqueries from files, for example, we want to add some list of other words to each query, let's specify several main queries:


In the query format, specify the macro for substituting additional words from the file Keywords.txt, this method allows you to increase the variability of queries many times over:

{subs:Keywords} $query 

This macro will create as many additional queries as there are in the file for each original search query, which in total will give [number of original queries(domains)] x [number of queries in the file Keywords] = [total number of queries] as a result of the macro's work.

For example, if the file Keywords.txt will contain:


As a result, the substitution macro will turn 3 main queries into 6:

buy essay
cheap essay
buy article
cheap article
buy thesis
cheap thesis

Output Results Examples

A-Parser supports flexible formatting of results thanks to the built-in templating engine Template Toolkit, which allows it to output results in any form, as well as in structured formats, such as CSV or JSON

Export of keyword frequency and list of suggestions

Result format:

$query: $views\n$suggests.format('$key\n')

Example of result:

рефераты онлайн: 2771
реферат технология
реферат скачивать тема
обучение реферат
заказывать реферат
бесплатный реферат тема
английский реферат язык
бесплатный реферат скачивать тема
сочинение тест
находить реферат
реферат тест
видео реферат
переводчик реферат
находить работа реферат
реферати тема

Output of keyword frequency

Result format:

$query: $views\n

Example of result:

рефераты онлайн: 2771

Output in CSV Table

The built-in utility $tools.CSVLine allows you to create correct table documents, ready for import into Excel or Google Sheets.

Result format:

[%  FOREACH i IN suggests;    tools.CSVline(i.key); END  %]

File name:


Initial text:



In the General result format, the Template Toolkit templating engine is used to output the elements of the key array in the FOREACH loop suggests.

In the file name of the results, you just need to change the file extension to csv.

To make the "Initial text" option available in the Task Editor, you need to activate "More options". In "Initial text," write the column names separated by commas and make the second line empty.

Saving in SQL format

Result format:

[%  FOREACH suggests;   "INSERT INTO serp VALUES('" _ query _ "', '" _ key _ "')\n"; END  %]

Example of result:

INSERT INTO serp VALUES('рефераты онлайн', 'реферат технология')
INSERT INTO serp VALUES('рефераты онлайн', 'реферат скачивать тема')
INSERT INTO serp VALUES('рефераты онлайн', 'обучение реферат')
INSERT INTO serp VALUES('рефераты онлайн', 'заказывать реферат')
INSERT INTO serp VALUES('рефераты онлайн', 'бесплатный реферат тема')
INSERT INTO serp VALUES('рефераты онлайн', 'английский реферат язык')
INSERT INTO serp VALUES('рефераты онлайн', 'бесплатный реферат скачивать тема')
INSERT INTO serp VALUES('рефераты онлайн', 'сочинение тест')
INSERT INTO serp VALUES('рефераты онлайн', 'находить реферат')
INSERT INTO serp VALUES('рефераты онлайн', 'реферат тест')
INSERT INTO serp VALUES('рефераты онлайн', 'видео реферат')
INSERT INTO serp VALUES('рефераты онлайн', 'переводчик реферат')
INSERT INTO serp VALUES('рефераты онлайн', 'находить работа реферат')
INSERT INTO serp VALUES('рефераты онлайн', 'реферати тема')

Dumping results to JSON

Общий формат результата:

[% IF notFirst;
notFirst = 1;

obj = {};
obj.totalcount = p1.totalcount;
obj.suggests = [];

FOREACH item IN p1.results;

obj.json %]

Начальный текст:


Конечный текст:


Example of result:

[{"suggests":["реферат технология","реферат скачивать тема","обучение реферат","заказывать реферат","бесплатный реферат тема","английский реферат язык","бесплатный реферат скачивать тема","сочинение тест","находить реферат","реферат тест","видео реферат","переводчик реферат","находить работа реферат","реферати тема"],"views":"2771"}]

To make the "Initial text" and "Final text" options available in the Task Editor, you need to activate "More options".

Results processing

A-Parser allows you to process results directly during scraping, in this section we have provided the most popular cases for the scraper SE::Yandex::Direct::Frequency

Selecting a period for a year, quarter, or specific month

To set a period, you need to use the Report period option and select a period from the dropdown list.

Example of using the Report period option
Download example

How to import an example into A-Parser


Filtering results (using negative keywords)

By using negative keywords, it is possible to immediately remove the results you do not need. Similarly, using a filter, you can also keep only those results that contain the necessary words.

Example of filtering
Download example

How to import an example into A-Parser


See also: Results filters

Possible settings

Parameter NameDefault ValueDescription
RegionRussiaSearch region
Use Yandex accountsDetermines whether to use Yandex accounts
AntiGate presetdefaultPreset for the scraper Util::AntiGate. It is necessary to preconfigure the scraper Util::AntiGateUtil::AntiGate - specify your access key and other parameters, then select the created preset here
Report periodMonth: last 30 daysSelection of the period (last month, specific month, quarter, year). Available only when scraping with accounts
Remove bad accountsAutomatic removal of accounts with incorrect login/password or requiring phone confirmation