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Util::Turnstile - recognition of Cloudflare Turnstile captchas

Parser Overview

This parser is used only as a connectable component in other parsers, where it may be necessary to solve Cloudflare Turnstile captchas, for example, in Ahrefs parsers, as well as in custom JavaScript parsers.

The principle of operation of this parser is to send Turnstile data (usually it is sitekey and the URL of the page where the Turnstile captcha was received) to the decryption service and receive a token in response, consisting of numbers and letters. The correctness of decryption depends only on the decryption service, usually the services almost always decrypt Turnstile correctly.


  • Supports working with such services: AntiCaptcha, RuCaptcha, 2captcha,, CapSolver,
  • Ability to adjust response waiting time and status check delay
  • Ability to solve captcha without using services. To enable this feature in the Provider, you need to select Auto (using Chrome). Chrome (puppeteer) is used for solving, take this into account when setting the number of threads.

Use Cases

  • Bypassing Cloudflare Turnstile in parsers, where it is optionally or necessarily necessary to solve this type of captcha to obtain results


The parser accepts two types of queries:

  • sitekey url
  • sitekey url proxy user-agent

The parameters are separated by a space and mean:

  • sitekey - the sitekey of Turnstile
  • url - the page where the Turnstile is located
  • proxy - the proxy through which Cloudflare Turnstile was obtained. The parameter should be in the format login:pass@ip:port@type for proxies with authentication or ip:port@type for proxies without authentication
    • type can be http, https, socks4, socks5
  • user-agent - the user agent with which the Turnstile was obtained

Output Result Options

  • $resp - response (token) of Cloudflare Turnstile
  • $error - if an error occurred, its description

Output of Cloudflare Turnstile Token

Result format:


Result example:


Possible Settings

The Provider parameter is used to select the service.

ParameterDefault ValueDescription
Client keyClient key for online decryption services
Provider urlProvider URL, allows to override the domain. Multiple URLs can be specified separated by commas, the parser will use each of them in random order. Can be empty, the parser automatically uses the necessary one depending on the selected decryption service
ProviderAntiCaptchaDecryption service
Wait between get status5Delay between getting the status
Max wait time300Maximum decryption waiting time
Threshold % for Capmonster.Cloud0Confidence threshold (used only in