1.1.873 - scraping Google with a speed of 10k+ queries per minute

Discussion in 'News' started by Support, May 15, 2017.

  1. Support

    Support Administrator
    Staff Member A-Parser Enterprise

    Mar 16, 2012
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    In A-Parser 1.1.873 added new parser SE::Google::Fast SE::Google::Fast, wich allows you to parse Google with a speed of 10k+ queries per minute without using anticaptcha


    • New parser SE::Google::Fast SE::Google::Fast - fast parser of Google's output, is able to develop a speed of more than 10,000 queries per minute without using anticaptcha
    • New parser SE::Google::ByImage SE::Google::ByImage - parser of images from Google on the link to the image
    • In parser Rank::SimilarWeb Rank::SimilarWeb added support of anticaptcha
    • In parser Rank::Linkpad Rank::Linkpad added new parameters for collection - domain rank, the percentage of nofollow and no-anchor links, the number of donors by IP and subnets, as well as the cost of placing links
    • JavaScript parsers: added parameter browser for this.request, which allows you to automatically emulate browser headers
    • In $tools added the ability to encode and decode base64
    • Now tools.data contains a lot of pre-installed information - languages, regions, domains for Google and Yandex search engines
    Corrections due to changes in the output of services
    • Fixed an exploit allowing to read files on the server with a known password
    • Fixed a bug in the Task tester - could not processed all requests
    • When using tools.query.add the task could hang in the queue, the error appeared in the previous release
    • Fixed work tools.js on OS Linux
    • Fixed memory leak when using JavaScript parsers
    • Fixed work of option Dynamic threads limit

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