1.1.462 - a sequence of tasks, saving JavaScript functions in the preset

Discussion in 'News' started by Support, Mar 23, 2016.

  1. Support

    Support Administrator
    Staff Member A-Parser Enterprise

    Mar 16, 2012
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    • Added the possibility to use the sequence of tasks - to run a certain task, after the completion of the current, with the ability to specify results file of the first task as the file for the next task
    • JavaScript functions can now be saved in the task setting that allows you to include them when exporting tasks
    • If you format the array elements through .format method you can now use all the simple (Flat) variables, that produces a parser or which are formed using the Results Builder
    • In the proxy checker added option Load limit count, allowing to set the maximum number of proxy to download from sources
    • In the parser Net::HTTP Net::HTTP for option Check content added switcher Match / Not Match, allows you to check not only the presence, but also the absence of a specific content on the page
    • Now tasks file is not overwritten in the absence of free disk space
    • To the log is added information about version of the parser, amount of free memory and other useful information
    Corrections due to changes in the output of services


    • in the parser SE::Google SE::Google snippets and anchors was parse with incorrect encoding using Antigate
    • When using the option Append text and Cyrillic filename of result, file is saved in a file with incorrect encoding in the name
    • When using the log after staging task to pause and continue the work, log stopped writing, and if you disable logging and try to view the log - parser could crash
    • In the Task tester when closing a window with active tasks appear error
    • In the parser SE::Yandex::Direct::Frequency SE::Yandex::Direct::Frequency some phrases are not processed using the accounts, and incorrectly transferred geo without using accounts
    • Macroes $pagenum in the parser Net::HTTP Net::HTTP has stopped working if after it had written symbols
    • Parser SE::Google::TrustCheck SE::Google::TrustCheck don't work with Antigate

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