1.1.726 - new features in Scheduler, many fixes

Discussion in 'News' started by Support, Jan 16, 2017.

  1. Support

    Support Administrator
    Staff Member A-Parser Enterprise

    Mar 16, 2012
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    • In the scheduler added the ability to run monthly tasks, with the ability to select a specific day of the month
    • In the scheduler now is possible specify a unique task, if the task is active in the queue, when trying to run through the scheduler, it will be delayed until the next start
    • Log file of the task now is removed simultaneously with the removal of the task
    • In Parser Test improved debugger and a preview of the HTML code
    Corrections due to changes in the output of services

    • In parser Net::Whois Net::Whois fixed scraping of dates for a variety of domain zones
    • Function of adding ! before each word (for obtaining the frequency on WordStat), in some cases not work correctly
    • Fixed bug with work a proxy with only one attempt (Request retries)
    • Fixed a bug in which parser crashed when Results Builder were wrong written
    • In some cases, the use of XPath could lead to freeze parser
    • In parser SEO::ping SEO::ping fixed processing of responses for some services
    • In some cases, the task error can not be displayed correctly

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