1.1.853 - new parsers and optimization

Discussion in 'News' started by Support, May 1, 2017.

  1. Support

    Support Administrator
    Staff Member A-Parser Enterprise

    Mar 16, 2012
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    • New parser HTML::EmailExtractor HTML::EmailExtractor - collects e-mail addresses from the specified pages, supports crawling sites in depth (parsing adjacent pages or the entire site)
    • New parser Rank::Social::Signal Rank::Social::Signal - checks the number of social signals for the specified link, returns the number of likes, reposts and comments for Facebook, the number of likes in Google+ and Pinterest, the number of reposts Vkontakte and LinkedIn
    • Added ability to set priority for tasks
    • Optimized work with a large number of active tasks
    • Optimized version of A-Parser for Linux x64
    • In parser SE::QIP SE::QIP added option Not found is error, designed to eliminate errors of the search engine, when it randomly gives out the empty results
    • In parser SE::Google::Trends SE::Google::Trends added to the collection of data by categories "The trend" and "Leaders"
    Corrections due to changes in the output of services
    • In parser SE::Google SE::Google fixed work with Captcha when using the Google interface language other than English
    • In parser Rank::SimilarWeb Rank::SimilarWeb fixed handling of domains that do not exist in SimilarWeb statistics
    • Fixed parsing in SE::Bing SE::Bing if you select a language other than English
    • Fixed loading of presets that contain deleted (obsolete) parsers

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