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1.2.387 - improved Logs Viewer, new Yandex SafeBrowsing scraper, improvements in JS scrapers

Discussion in 'News' started by Support, Jan 24, 2019.

  1. Support

    Support Administrator
    Staff Member A-Parser Enterprise

    Mar 16, 2012
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    • Improved Logs Viewer:
      • Filter for failed/running tasks
      • Sort by run time
      • Support for pagination and search for logs
      • Display parser and query
    • Added new tools.memory - key/value storage in memory
    • Added new scraper SE::Yandex::SafeBrowsing SE::Yandex::SafeBrowsing, which allows you to check the site in Yandex blacklist
    • In SE::Google::Trends SE::Google::Trends implemented the ability to compare data for keywords
    • Logic improvements in Shop::Amazon Shop::Amazon
    • Improved stability of JavaScript scrapers (v8 engine)
    • JS scrapers: added method .addElement, which allows you to fill arrays in the results in a more convenient way
    • JS scrapers: added option resultArraysWithObjects for this.parser.request, which allows to return an array of objects in the results when calling another scraper
    • JS scrapers: added DNS response caching
    Corrections due to changes in the issuance
    • Fixed handling of empty requests in JavaScript scrapers
    • Fixed display of images in the log, the problem appeared in one of the previous versions
    • Fixed work with some types of proxies
    • Fixed work of the Stop when found option in SE::Yandex::Position SE::Yandex::Position
    • In SE::Yandex SE::Yandex when occurring errors in antigate did not change the proxy
    • Fixed parsing links to potentially dangerous sites in SE::Yandex SE::Yandex
    • JS scrapers: fixed work of check_content function with regular expressions that contain Cyrillic symbols
    • JS scrapers: fixed freezing of threads when using tls
    • JS scrapers: multiple fixes in the work of sockets
    Morteza likes this.
  2. Morteza

    Morteza A-Parser Enterprise License
    A-Parser Enterprise

    Oct 16, 2018
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    Thank you. it's perfect.
    Please keep in the plan to add the socks4.
  3. Support

    Support Administrator
    Staff Member A-Parser Enterprise

    Mar 16, 2012
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    As you have previously been answered, SOCKS4 support is not planned, and it’s unlikely that they will be added at all.

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