1.1.292 - parsing JSON, improving memory usage, many bug fixes

Discussion in 'News' started by Support, Oct 8, 2015.

  1. Support

    Support Administrator
    Staff Member A-Parser Enterprise

    Mar 16, 2012
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    • Support for parsing JSON structures in the template engine
    • Added option "Query Builder on all levels", allowing to use Query Builder at all levels of multi-level parsing
    • When you view the statistics of the task now displays the total number of HTTP requests
    • New debugging tool Gladiator, allowing quickly localize possible memory leaks
    Corrections due to changes in the output of services
    • Fixed parser SE::Yandex::TIC SE::Yandex::TIC - resources for which TIC was not defined is displayed as TIC = 0, corrected to TIC = -1
    • Fixed many memory leaks
    • When replacing in regular expressions did not work symbol of line break \n
    • When using a large number of variables in the Query Builder or Results Builder they could not all fit in the visible area

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