1.1.566 - query caching, easy to work with the settings, many improvements

Discussion in 'News' started by Support, Jun 8, 2016.

  1. Support

    Support Administrator
    Staff Member A-Parser Enterprise

    Mar 16, 2012
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    • Now for parsers Net::HTTP Net::HTTP, HTML::TextExtractor HTML::TextExtractor, HTML::LinkExtractor HTML::LinkExtractor, Rank::CMS Rank::CMS cached same HTTP requests when using any combination of these parsers in the one task, which prevents the execution of repeated requests to the same URL, as a consequence of increasing speed, reducing the load on the target sites
    • Added an option Max connections per host allows you to limit the maximum number of simultaneous connections to the same domain/IP
    • Added an option Global proxy ban allows share the statistics for ban of proxies between tasks
    • In the parser HTML::TextExtractor HTML::TextExtractor improved display of tabular data and lists
    • In the parser SE::Yandex::WordStat SE::Yandex::WordStat added the ability to specify a minimum frequency for adding a request for parsing nested
    • In the parser SE::Yandex SE::Yandex added option Parse all results to automatically bypass the restriction on the size of the output and to collect more results
    • In the task editor added function Copy overrides allows you to copy the settings from one parser to another
    • In the task editor added function Save overrides to preset allows you to create a new preset based on the redefined values
    • When viewing logs with the option "Failed only" now displays only those threads that were failed queries
    • When using xPath in conjunction with record individual queries into one array data are filled evenly
    • In the task queue added last modified date when the task is displayed in a compact form
    • In the task queue adds the ability to download the results file when an incomplete parsing
    • When using option "Save failed queries" now additionally stored original queries for the entire task
    • Added an option Report captcha - recognized by Google captchas are sent to our server for analysis, is enabled by default
    Corrections due to changes in the output of services
    • Fixed problem with large memory consumption on Windows
    • Fixed wrong saving unique option in some cases
    • Did not work the replacement on the group in a regular expression in the Query Builder
    • In the parser HTML::LinkExtractor HTML::LinkExtractor fixed parsing of links with spaces
    • Fixed a problem with the display of tasks in the queue with a large number of queries added through the text field

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