1.1.811 - 6 new parsers, improvements in JavaScript parsers

Discussion in 'News' started by Support, Apr 6, 2017.

  1. Support

    Support Administrator
    Staff Member A-Parser Enterprise

    Mar 16, 2012
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    In A-Parser 1.1.811 added 6 new built-in parsers - Amazon, Yandex.Market, Rambler, IxQuick, adding a link to the Bing index, an advanced Moz parser (OpenSiteExplorer). Add ideas for new parsers on our forum and we will definitely implement them.

    In addition to built-in parsers, you can create your own JavaScript parsers - using the full power of A-Parser multithreading, as well as the performance of the V8 engine and the benefits of ES6.

    For owners CapMonster and XEvil - we remind that A-Parser can be connected to these programs out of the box, thereby enormously increasing the parsing speed in many parsers.

    • New parser Shop::Amazon Shop::Amazon - scraping search output https://www.amazon.com for the keyword, collects the title, link, picture, price, price to discounts, rating, number of comments, seller and additional information
    • New parser Shop::Yandex::Market Shop::Yandex::Market - parser of Yandex.Market, for the specified keyword (or a direct link to the category) collects the following data: product name, link, link to picture, rating, number of comments, price from and to, number of offers from stores and a list of additional characteristics
    • New parser SE::Rambler SE::Rambler - Rambler today uses both Google and Yandex search output, depending on the user's geolocation (proxy), there is support antigate
    • New parser SE::IxQuick SE::IxQuick - https://www.ixquick.com - another search engine based on the issuance of Google
    • Adding links to the Bing index - SE::Bing::AddURL SE::Bing::AddURL - adds your links on an industrial scale, requires an antigate
    • New parser Rank::OpenSiteExplorer::Extended Rank::OpenSiteExplorer::Extended - advanced version of parser Rank::OpenSiteExplorer Rank::OpenSiteExplorer, scraping from https://moz.com 39 parameters by domain, subdomain and page
    • JavaScript parsers: new methods this.util.urlFromHTML(url, [base]) and this.util.updateResultsData(results, data)
    • In parser SE::Yandex SE::Yandex added time of the last caching of the page
    Corrections due to changes in the output of services
    • SE::Yandex SE::Yandex - fixed parsing of search output, links to page cache, as well as scraping of advertisements
    • SE::Google SE::Google - fixed the parsing of advertisements, as well as the problem with parsing in rare cases when using antigate
    • In parser Net::Whois Net::Whois fixed parsing dates, and improved parsing of whois server GoDaddy
    • SE::Google::Trends SE::Google::Trends - completely updated the parser and the list of collected values
    • Rank::LinkPad Rank::LinkPad, Rank::MajesticSEO Rank::MajesticSEO, SE::Seznam SE::Seznam
    • The problem with scrolling in the Scheduler
    • The problem with encoding in tools.parseJSON
    • Error importing JavaScript parsers

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