Release 1.2.1403

Discussion in 'News' started by Support Artur, Dec 29, 2021.

  1. Support Artur

    Support Artur A-Parser Enterprise License
    A-Parser Enterprise

    Apr 6, 2020
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    Happy New Year 2022 from the A-Parser team!

    On the eve of the coming year, We want to express our gratitude for the trust in us and wish everyone great success in the new year. Let this year become a launch pad for new ups, achievements, discoveries, victories! We wish you interesting, successful new projects and reliable partners. May everything conceived and planned come true! Happy New Year!

    A-Parser stable build release - 1.2.1403


    • Added the ability to search positions by a part of a link or by a substring in position scrapers (Match type - By substring)
    • In SE::Youtube SE::Youtube added the ability to select the type of issue (Desktop / Mobile)
    • Added scraping of alternative translations in DeepL::Translator DeepL::Translator
    • Improved authorization algorithm by email:password in SE::Google::KeywordPlanner SE::Google::KeywordPlanner
    • Implemented correct processing of robots.txt redirects in Check::BackLink Check::BackLink
    • JS scrapers: added follow_common_redirects option to this.request, works similarly to the corresponding setting in Net::HTTP Net::HTTP
    • The following scrapers have been removed due to obsolescence: SE::Bing::LangDetect, Rank::Linkpad, Rank::SEMrush. Also removed SE::Google::Modern, use instead SE::Google SE::Google
    Corrections due to changes in the issue:
    Bug fixes:
    • Fixed authorization in SE::Google::KeywordPlanner SE::Google::KeywordPlanner
    • Fixed using proxy in Net::HTTP Net::HTTP if Engine = Chrome
    • Fixed problem in SE::Google::Translate SE::Google::Translate due to which proxies did not change when iterating over attempts
    • In Net::HTTP Net::HTTP fixed a bug due to which the thread did not end, appeared in one of the previous versions
    • Fixed operation of Bypass CloudFlare function on some sites
    • Fixed working mode -foreground


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