1.2.1432 - multi-core task processing, Wildberries scrapers, performance optimization

Discussion in 'News' started by Support Artur, Jan 27, 2022.

  1. Support Artur

    Support Artur A-Parser Enterprise License
    A-Parser Enterprise

    Apr 6, 2020
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    In version 1.2.1432 added the long-awaited ability to process different tasks on multiple processor cores, which greatly increases the performance of tasks that are demanding on the CPU. This feature is available only for the Enterprise license, don't miss the opportunity to upgrade before the price increase


    • Added new scrapers:
    • Added support for processing tasks on different processor cores, this feature is available only for the Enterprise license and greatly speeds up the processing of multiple tasks in the queue
    • Optimization of initial loading speed and overall performance of JS scrapers, A-Parser loading speed increased by 30-50%
    • Added choice of API version in the interface when creating JS scrapers
    • Improved work of the Detect charset on content option
    • In SE::Google SE::Google updated list of domains
    • In SE::Yandex::Direct SE::Yandex::Direct updated list of regions
    • In Check::BackLink Check::BackLink added the ability to check the link without specifying the protocol in the substring search mode

    Corrections due to changes in the issue:

    • Fixed SE::Google SE::Google working with google.com.bd domain
    • Fixed collection of links in HTML::LinkExtractor HTML::LinkExtractor in some cases
    • Fixed a UI bug due to which the button for deleting tasks was hidden in the Scheduler
    We remind you that you can buy A-Parser at the old price. New price will come on February 15, 2022

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