1.1.355 - improving the work with regions in Google and Yandex, new methods of API, many fixes

Discussion in 'News' started by Support, Dec 8, 2015.

  1. Support

    Support Administrator
    Staff Member A-Parser Enterprise

    Mar 16, 2012
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    • In parser SE::Yandex SE::Yandex now collected links to internal services of Yandex, which allows more accurately determine the position of a site in the search output
    • In parser SE::Yandex SE::Yandex improved detection of misspell (corrected) queries
    • In parser SE::Yandex SE::Yandex Yandex domain is now selected automatically depending on the selected region
    • In parser SE::Google SE::Google improved work with sessions
    • In parser SE::Bing SE::Bing added region selection
    • In parser interface is now available a list of recent messages from Support Forum
    • For parser SE::Yandex SE::Yandex added support for the Turkish domain yandex.com.tr
    • In parser Net::HTTP Net::HTTP added support of template engine in the field Cookies
    • Now Preppend text, Result format and Append text have the overall space of the variables, that allows solving problems of the calculating and displaying statistics
    • Into macros num added the ability to specify the iteration step, format {num:START:END:STEP}
    • Added new method API getParserInfo - displays a list of all available results that can return the parser
    • Added new method API update - update executable file of the parser to the latest version, after a successful response A-Parser will be automatically restarted
    • Method API info now additionally returns a list of all available parsers

    Corrections due to changes in the output of services


    • Fixed ignoring the maximum number of active tasks
    • In parser HTML::LinkExtractor HTML::LinkExtractor fixed processing of relative links
    • Fixed overwriting results when pause\start or restart of the parser and at the same time enabled option "Overwrite file"
    • Fixed function tools.parseJSON if the page has been encoded in UTF-8
    • Fixed output of results in the Task Tester

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