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1.2.335 - new scrapers of images, optimization in JS scrapers, improvements in work

Discussion in 'News' started by Support, Nov 5, 2018.

  1. Support

    Support Administrator
    Staff Member A-Parser Enterprise

    Mar 16, 2012
    Likes Received:

    • Added 2 new scrapers:
    • Fully rewrite 2 scrapers:
      • SE::Google::Images SE::Google::Images - added regional settings, support for ReCaptcha2, the ability to set various search filters and scraping of anchors, links to the source page, links to previews, and image types
      • SE::Yandex::Images SE::Yandex::Images - added scraping of links to previews
    • Improved performance SE::AOL SE::AOL, and also increased the maximum number of pages in the settings
    • Improved performance SE::Ask SE::Ask, and also added the ability to parse related keywords
    • JS parsers: optimized constructor call and init()
    • JS parsers: added support of async init()
    Corrections due to changes in the issuance
    • Fixed a memory leak when a large number of attempts
    • Fixed a bug where the request did not end in Test Parsing when working with some links
    • Fixed parsing various parameters in Net::Whois Net::Whois
    • Fixed display of the Russian language (the problem appeared in the previous version)
    • Fixed freeze when working SE::Yandex::Images SE::Yandex::Images with antigate
    • JS parsers: fixed work of check_content
    • JS parsers: fixed work with sessions (the problem appeared in one of the previous versions)
    #1 Support, Nov 5, 2018
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2018

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