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1.2.484 - 4 new scrapers, improvement of work and correction of existing

Discussion in 'News' started by Support, May 20, 2019.

  1. Support

    Support Administrator
    Staff Member A-Parser Enterprise

    Mar 16, 2012
    Likes Received:

    • New scarpers:
    • Removed 4 irrelevant parsers: Rank::SEMrush::Keyword, SE::QIP, SE::QIP::Position, Rank::MegaIndex
    • Improved work of SE::AOL SE::AOL
    • JS scrapers: data_as_buffer option added for this.request, which defines to return data as a string (String) or a Buffer object
    Corrections due to changes in the issuance
    • Fixed work with queries containing a space in SE::DuckDuckGo SE::DuckDuckGo
    • Fixed problem with data decompression on some sites
    • JS scrapers: fixed work of setImmediate

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