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1.2.678 - optimization of work with proxies, improvements in built-in parsers, various bug fixes

Discussion in 'News' started by Support, Nov 11, 2019.

  1. Support

    Support Administrator
    Staff Member A-Parser Enterprise

    Mar 16, 2012
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    • In SE::Google::ByImage SE::Google::ByImage added support for ReCaptcha2, and also improved overall performance
    • In SE::Yandex SE::Yandex added the ability to simultaneously work of captcha auto recognizing and antigate
    • In Rank::Ahrefs Rank::Ahrefs added ability to select a domain type
    • Completely rewritten SE::Yandex::SQI SE::Yandex::SQI, the collection data was changed
    • Implemented proxy ban in SE::DuckDuckGo::Images SE::DuckDuckGo::Images
    • In Net::Whois Net::Whois added parsing of domain release date
    • Optimized work with proxies when using a large number of attempts
    • Improved Bypass Cloudflare
    • Added tools.aparser.version(), allowing to obtain version information of A-Parser
    Corrections due to changes in the issuance
    • Fixed proxy randomization issue on Windows 10
    • Fixed freeze when using Check::BackLink Check::BackLink
    • Fixed an issue where Content-Type was not applied in Net::HTTP Net::HTTP
    • Fixed rare issue with query file selection
    • Fixed redirect handling with non-standard port
    • Fixed output of multi-line data in tools.CSVline
    • JS parsers: fixed interface problem in the absence of necessary Node.js modules
    • JS parsers: fixed problem with usiing jimp module


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