1.2.1958 - 5 new scrapers, interface improvements, new options in existings built-in scrapers

Discussion in 'News' started by Support, Jul 6, 2023.

  1. Support

    Support Administrator
    Staff Member A-Parser Enterprise

    Mar 16, 2012
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    • Added 3 new scrapers:
    • SE::Google::KeywordPlanner now split into 2 independent scrapers:
    • The authuser parameter has been added to the KeywordPlanner scrapers, it is now required for the authentication method through cookies
    • In SE::Google SE::Google added information about results flags
    • In SE::Yandex::Direct::Frequency SE::Yandex::Direct::Frequency added captcha bypass for scraping without using accounts
    • In SE::Google::Images SE::Google::Images added the ability to manage the parameter Safe search
    • In Net::Whois Net::Whois added option Checking by DNS record, which checks for the existence of IP by domain
    • Improved interaction with the tooltip with the variables of the selected scraper:
      • added output of the full name of the selected scraper
      • added link to the description of the selected scraper
      • tooltip can now be scrolled
      • tooltip data can now be copied
    • When opening the drop-down menu for selecting a scraper, now the names of the scrapers are visible in their entirety
    • Added the option to stop the task on a failed query in the task settings
    • The Proxy strategy option has been added to the threads settings, it allows you to control the proxy usage strategy

    Corrections due to changes in the issue

    • Fixed erroneous filling of remaining queries with failures when pausing/stopping a task
    • Fixed ignoring the Extra query string option inMaps::Yandex Maps::Yandex


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