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1.2.1148 - cumulative update for built-in scrapers and fix for Bypass Cloudflare

Discussion in 'News' started by Support Artur, Mar 2, 2021.

  1. Support Artur

    Support Artur A-Parser Enterprise License
    A-Parser Enterprise

    Apr 6, 2020
    Likes Received:

    • The Skip comment blocks option has been added to HTML::LinkExtractor HTML::LinkExtractor, which allows you to exclude html comment blocks from scrapping
    • Improved performance of Shop::Yandex::Market Shop::Yandex::Market
    • Check::RosKomNadzor Check::RosKomNadzor now has the ability to select a source to check
    • Maps::Yandex Maps::Yandex rewritten to TypeScript, added the ability to connect captcha solving services
    • Added the ability to get the name of the country instead of its code in Rank::Alexa::API Rank::Alexa::API
    • Rank::Ahrefs Rank::Ahrefs expands the list of collected data
    • SE::Seznam SE::Seznam adds support for sessions and the ability to solve captchas
    • Implemented the ability to use a proxy with one IP: port, but with different logins
    Corrections due to changes in search results
    • Fixed experimental bypass of Cloudflare protection with Chrome
    • Fixed a bug in Maps::Yandex Maps::Yandex, due to which more than 1 page was not collected, and also fixed the problem with obtaining the source code of the pages
    • In SE::Youtube SE::Youtube, the ignoring of the search settings, the pass through the pagination has been fixed, and in some cases repeated attempts were not made
    • Authorization fixes in SE::Google::KeywordPlanner SE::Google::KeywordPlanner
    • Fixed a memory leak that manifested itself in long-running jobs with a large number of requests
    • Fixed bug with Buffer, the problem appeared in one of the previous versions
    #1 Support Artur, Mar 2, 2021
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 2, 2021

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