Improvements NodeJS updated to version 16.11.0 Added full support for OS Windows 11 and Windows Server 2022 In SE::Google::Translate added Device option, which allows switching between mobile and desktop versions of the translator Improved handling of very large queries in DeepL::Translator Improved algorithm for splitting requests into parts in SE::Yandex::Translate, now it is as close as possible to the original In SE::Google::Cache added $link variable containing the link from the toolbar In Shop::Amazon added the ability to scrape the ASIN of goods In Rank::MajesticSEO added the ability to collect Incoming Languages and Site Languages Corrections due to changes in the issue Fixed scraping of ads in SE::Google Fixed scraping $related in desktop output SE::Yandex Fixed scraping of snippets in desktop search results and scraping of mobile search results in general in SE::Bing Fixed work of scrapers Rank::Ahrefs and Rank::Ahrefs::KeywordDifficulty Rank::LinkPad has been removed from the assembly due to blocking access to data Fixed scraping of $totalcount in SE::Yahoo Bug fixes Fixed bug with $ character in DeepL::Translator Fixed proxy operation when using the Chrome engine in Net::HTTP Fixed stability issue when using HTML::TextExtractor and HTML::TextExtractor::LangDetect in some cases Fixed an issue where SE::Youtube would sometimes fail Fixed output of source pages in SE::Google::ByImage