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1.2.1511 - improved work with Chrome and protection bypass, NodeJS update, Wildberries suggests

Discussion in 'News' started by Support, May 17, 2022.

  1. Support

    Support Administrator
    Staff Member A-Parser Enterprise

    Mar 16, 2012
    Likes Received:

    • Implemented TLS fingerprint protection bypass, now A-Parser requests look 100% like Chrome
    • NodeJS updated to version 16.15.0
    • In SE::Google SE::Google added the Narrow results by region parameter, which allows you to narrow the search to a specific country
    • In the scraper Maps::Google Maps::Google added automatic traversal of coordinates in a given region
    • Added the Start message number parameter to Telegram::GroupScraper Telegram::GroupScraper, which allows you to specify from which number to collect messages in telegram chat
    • In SE::YouTube SE::YouTube added collecting the number of channel subscribers
    • In SE::Google::Trends SE::Google::Trends added collection of topic ids for related topics
    • In Shop::Wildberries::ProductsList Shop::Wildberries::ProductsList scraper, collection of keys from "Still searching" and "Maybe you'll like it" has been added
    • Added Wildberries suggests scraper: Shop::Wildberries::Suggest Shop::Wildberries::Suggest
    • Added collection of additional data to Shop::Wildberries::ProductInfo Shop::Wildberries::ProductInfo
    • New types added to Usage rights in SE::Google::Images SE::Google::Images
    • Added the ability to display raw data in Ahrefs scrapers
    • Added Randomize TLS Fingerprint option to Net::HTTP Net::HTTP and JS scrapers
    • Improved work with Chromium from JavaScript scrapers
    • Net::HTTP Net::HTTP and this.request() now use the latest Chrome user-agent by default

    Corrections due to changes in the issue

    Bug fixes
    • Fixed a bug in Shop::Wildberries::ProductsList Shop::Wildberries::ProductsList, due to which $totalcount was not displayed with some queries
    • Fixed captcha loading in SE::Yandex::Images SE::Yandex::Images
    • Fixed a memory leak in the DeepL::Translator DeepL::Translator and other bugs
    • Fixed work of proxy checker with socks5 IPv6 proxy
    • Fixed work of the Don't verify TLS certs option in some cases
    • Fixed a memory leak when running tasks frequently or using an API, the leak was related to an internal NodeJS bug
    • Fixed freezing of Test parsing when editing the code of scrapers
    • Fixed passing through redirects in HTML::LinkExtractor HTML::LinkExtractor
    • Fixed domain selection in SE::Yahoo SE::Yahoo
    • Fixed log spamming with errors when using Maps::Yandex Maps::Yandex
    • Fixed collection of $records results in Net::DNS Net::DNS
    • Fixed a bug when the next page was not found with the Check next page option


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