Order of Request Processing
In A-Parser, there are many functions and features, this diagram represents the order of processing a request from reading it from a file (or text) to saving the final result in a file
Schematic order of request processing

- When filtering and deduplicating results, the request and its results are completely canceled if a simple result is used for comparison; if an array is used for comparison, then elements from this array are removed
- Many steps in the diagram are optional and depend on the settings specified in the Task Editor
- Additional requests may appear when using options Parse all result and Parse to level. All additional requests have the next level in relation to the request from which the additional requests were created, the level count starts from zero, i.e., the original requests from the file or text always have level 0. Requests after applying substitutions also have level 0
Unsuccessful requests
A request is considered unsuccessful and skipped if it could not be executed within the specified number of attempts.
How to determine why a request failed? Enable logging or run a Task Test. All errors are logged. By examining the log, you can understand what went wrong.
An example of an unsuccessful request. Logs suggest that the request could not be executed due to a captcha, and the attempts have run out. In this case, connecting a captcha solving service or increasing the number of attempts may help (only if you are scraping with proxies, otherwise increasing attempts is pointless).
How to increase the number of attempts? You need to override the option Request retries and set a higher value.