1.2.713 - new scrapers: Telegram and eBay, many optimizations in the built-in scrapers, new tools

Discussion in 'News' started by Support, Dec 12, 2019.

  1. Support

    Support Administrator
    Staff Member A-Parser Enterprise

    Mar 16, 2012
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    • Aded new scraper Telegram::GroupScraper Telegram::GroupScraper, which collects message data from public groups in Telegram: text, date, author, links to photos and videos
    • Aded new scraper Shop::eBay Shop::eBay, which allows you to scrape search results on ebay.com
    • Changes in Google scrapers:
      • Added $detected_geo variable, which contains information about geolocation
      • Due to irrelevance, the following options have been removed:
        • Old desktop computer (IE6) in Device
        • Util::AntiGate preset
        • Use digit captcha
    • In SE::Yandex SE::Yandex max value of Pages count increased up to 25
    • In SE::Google::Images SE::Google::Images added support for new layout
    • In Util::ReCaptcha2 Util::ReCaptcha2 added support capmonster.cloud
    • Scraper SE::MailRu SE::MailRu completely rewritten, added support for captcha and sessions and added collection of links to cached pages
    • Scraper SE::Yandex::Direct SE::Yandex::Direct completely rewritten, collection of tags and sitelinks with anchors added
    • A new template tool tools.task has been added, at the moment it can return task id and number of threads
    • JS scrapers: this.query.add now support passing additional parameters
    Corrections due to changes in the issuance
    • In Google scrapers fixed a bug where the collected links were with a translator
    • Randomization problems fixed in some cases
    • Fixed bug in Social::Instagram::Post Social::Instagram::Post which occurred when scraping only arrays
    • Fixed pagination pass issue that occurred in one of the previous versions
    • JS parsers: fixed work with Node.js module socks


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