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1.2.1549 - new scraper CoinMarketCap, 9 scrapers completely rewritten and new options in existing

Discussion in 'News' started by Support, Jun 27, 2022.

  1. Support

    Support Administrator
    Staff Member A-Parser Enterprise

    Mar 16, 2012
    Likes Received:

    • Added new scraper CoinMarketCap::LastPrice CoinMarketCap::LastPrice
    • Scraper SE::Yandex::Register SE::Yandex::Register has been completely rewritten, the ability to register accounts has been restored
    • Scrapers SE::Yandex::WordStat SE::Yandex::WordStat, SE::Yandex::WordStat::ByDate SE::Yandex::WordStat::ByDate and SE::Yandex::WordStat::ByRegion SE::Yandex::WordStat::ByRegion have been completely rewritten, new functionality has been added (authorization method selection, account registration "on the fly", sessions...)
    • HTML::EmailExtractor HTML::EmailExtractor is completely rewritten, thanks to the use HTML::LinkExtractor HTML::LinkExtractor as a basis, in addition to the actual mail scraping, many features have become available: link collection, Parse to level, Chrome engine and etc.
    • All Instagram parsers rewritten to JS APIv2 and adapted to changes on the source
    • Increased maximum number of pages in SE::Google SE::Google to 100
    • Added date collection from snippet in Google scrapers
    • In parser SE::Bing SE::Bing added Fix pagination bug option to fix a bug in Bing search that causes 2nd and subsequent pages to be returned blank
    • In parser Shop::Wildberries::ProductInfo Shop::Wildberries::ProductInfo added data collection about the seller and the ability to determine the availability of goods
    • In parser SE::Startpage SE::Startpage added Links per page option and updated list of available variants in existing options
    • In SE::DuckDuckGo SE::DuckDuckGo has been added Use HTTP/2 option
    • Net::HTTP Net::HTTP: added option Ban Proxy Code RegEx
    • Added the ability to set an arbitrary level for subqueries (query.add)
    • Added option needResults for this.parser.request

    Corrections due to changes in the issue

    Bug fixes
    • Fixed HTTP keep-alive, in some cases the socket was closed prematurely
    • Fixed bug in Follow common redirects
    • Redis API: fixed the work of some scrapers, the problem arose with scrapers using result optimization


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