1.2.1770 - 3 new scrapers, adaptation of existing scrapers to changes, bug fixes

Discussion in 'News' started by Support, Dec 28, 2022.

  1. Support

    Support Administrator
    Staff Member A-Parser Enterprise

    Mar 16, 2012
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    • Added new scrapers:
      • Rank::Ahrefs::BrokenLinks Rank::Ahrefs::BrokenLinks - collection of number and list (top10) of broken incoming and outgoing links
      • Rank::Ahrefs::TrafficChecker Rank::Ahrefs::TrafficChecker - estimation of the amount of traffic, collection of traffic history and lists of keywords, pages and countries with the highest traffic
      • SE::Quora SE::Quora - scraping of Quora search results by keyword with the ability to choose the type and time of the result
    • The list of regions in Yandex scrapers has been updated, the regions where search is no longer possible have been removed. In particular, due to the fact that Russia was selected by default, the parser worked very poorly, almost constantly receiving captchas, since this region is no longer available for selection in Yandex. Also optimized region search when selecting in combobox.
    • Improved handling of Node modules (wrong version used in some cases)
    • JS scrapers: this.logger.put and this.logger.debug format the output like console.log, thanks to which it is now possible to display objects without using JSON.stringify

    Corrections due to changes in the issue

    Bug fixes
    • In SE::Yandex SE::Yandex fixed a bug with the definition of a ban on mobile layout
    • In SE::Google::Translate SE::Google::Translate now headless is enabled by default
    • Fixed problem with Russian-language file names in the "Run on complete" function


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