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1.2.2228 - 2 new scrapers, numerous improvements, and fixes

Discussion in 'News' started by Support Vladimir, Feb 19, 2024.

  1. Support Vladimir

    Support Vladimir Moderator
    Staff Member A-Parser Enterprise

    Sep 4, 2022
    Likes Received:

    Corrections made due to changes in the search results:
    • Logic corrected in SE::Dogpile SE::Dogpile
    • Maps::Yandex Maps::Yandex functionality improved for solving captchas
    • Interface issue fixed when saving region in SE::Yandex SE::Yandex
    • Ignoring of digits in $views corrected for SE::YouTube SE::YouTube when Device = Mobile
    • Scraping errors fixed in Shop::Ebay Shop::Ebay for digital values
    • Scraping errors fixed for $shipping_price and $sold_count in Shop::Aliexpress Shop::Aliexpress
    • tools.task.id functionality fixed in result format
    • Erroneous ability to overwrite default settings preset fixed
    • Regex hang issue fixed in Scrape custom result
    • Error calling Social::TikTok::Profile Social::TikTok::Profile in JS parser corrected


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