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1.2.1294 - new options and expansion of the list of types of collected data in some scrapers

Discussion in 'News' started by Support Artur, Sep 7, 2021.

  1. Support Artur

    Support Artur A-Parser Enterprise License
    A-Parser Enterprise

    Apr 6, 2020
    Likes Received:

    • In SE::Google SE::Google new options have been added:
      • Exact match - matches the option in the search engine Exact match
      • Safe search - allows you to enable / disable Google Safe Search
    • In SE::DuckDuckGo SE::DuckDuckGo added Safe search and Serp time options, as well as fixed minor bugs in the work logic
    • In SE::Google::Trends SE::Google::Trends added option Use empty queries (ignore query value) which allows searching by category
    • In SE::Yandex::Direct SE::Yandex::Direct support for captchas has been implemented, and a variable has been added to distinguish between organic and advertising results
    • In SE::YouTube SE::YouTube added the ability to scrape "Related Searches", as well as collect the date the video was added
    • In SE::Yandex::Suggest SE::Yandex::Suggest added a choice of query method, one of which allows you to collect all advanced tips (ads, facts, links to sites)
    • In Net::HTTP Net::HTTP added Don't verify TLS certs option
    • In Google::Maps Google::Maps added the ability to scrape a link to a company card
    • Added detection of limited (18+) profiles in Social::Instagram::Profile Social::Instagram::Profile
    • Improved support for domain proxies
    • Fixed working with await this.request in JavaScript API v2
    • Implemented automatic launch of tasks in the Some error status when A-Parser is restarted
    • Added a flag for the static format of the result file name, which will allow more flexible naming of files and at the same time retain the ability to get links to them via getTaskResultsFile

    Corrections due to changes in search results

    Bug fixes
    • Fixed work with search operators in SE::DuckDuckGo SE::DuckDuckGo
    • Fixed work of SE::Google::Translate SE::Google::Translate with some languages
    • Fixed work of Redis API, the problem appeared in one of the previous versions


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