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1.2.1848 - 2 new scrapers, many improvements and fixes to built-in scrapers

Discussion in 'News' started by Support Vladimir, Mar 28, 2023.

  1. Support Vladimir

    Support Vladimir Moderator
    Staff Member A-Parser Enterprise

    Sep 4, 2022
    Likes Received:

    • New scrapers added:
    • The following scrapers have been removed due to irrelevance: Rank::Alexa, Rank::Alexa::API, SE::MailRu, SE::MailRu::Position
    • Fixed question-answer scraping (PAA) in SE::Google SE::Google
    • Improved handling of the 404 response code in Rank::KeysSo Rank::KeysSo
    • In Rank::Ahrefs::KeywordDifficulty Rank::Ahrefs::KeywordDifficulty "shortage" has been added to the variables.
    • In Util::Turnstile Util::Turnstile CapSolver provider added
    • Turnstile pass proxy option added to all Ahrefs scrapers, more here
    • Bukvarix scrapers have added the possibility to use their API key, more information here
    • In Maps::Google Maps::Google added possibility to receive a link to "I am the company owner"
    • In SE::Google::KeywordPlanner SE::Google::KeywordPlanner added ability to collect search volume trends, additional information here
    • Language list updated in DeepL::Translator DeepL::Translator
    • In Social::Instagram::Profile Social::Instagram::Profile the ability to collect with authorisation has been added
    • Improved cache detection in SE::Google::Cache SE::Google::Cache
    • In Net::Whois Net::Whois a new method for processing results for some domain zones has been added
    • Migration of embedded scrapers to JS APIv2 continues, with 10 scrapers rewritten in this release

    Corrections due to changes in the issue



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